Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Spring Bible Conference

Free Grace Seminary & Eagle's Brooke Community Church invites the Florida Bible College community to their Spring Bible Conference with Dr. Richard Seymour (Frontier School of the Bible), Hal Haler (Luther Rice University), Dr. Mike Halsey (President of FGS), & Tom Eckman (FGS).

Dr. Ed Hoard is the Host Pastor and Vice President of Free Grace Seminary. The conference will start on March 14 (Friday night) at 7:p.m. and March 15 (Saturday) from 9:00a.m. - 4:45 p.m. The conference theme is "The Battle Cry." The New Testament book of Galatians was the "battle cry of the reformation" under Martin Luther. It has been called the "Magna Carta of Christian Liberty."

For further information or directions, go to our website (, or call 770-775-1464. Eagle's Brooke Community Church is located at 751 Dean Patrick Road in Locust Grove, GA.

Rally Up! In Georgia

A poem by E Norris Class of 76

The troops from FBC were fresh, the call to "Charge" was cried
And they rushed forth to storm the beach, and at once, some fell and died
So the others dropped down to the earth, and bellied towards the fray
And the battle days turned into months, a year soon passed away

And the soldiers kept on fighting, it would not end 'til death,
And oft they had no ammo, of armour, they're bereft
Years then passed spent for the Lord, and oft wounds were sustained
And some took leaves of furlough, with injuries and pain

You didn’t have to look too far, to see a brother brace
Another fallen comrade carried, back to a safer place
Their leader, strong, He is a king, who powers the attack
On Satan's gates, He leads the charge and soon is coming back

With strength from Him they fight, these troops from FBC
With struggles they are wrought, the prize, eternity
And the soldiers all had taken wounds, and needed help to stand
Those fresh young kids from days of yore-- now a ragged, broken band

Remember during the Civil War, when a battle went askew
Despair and fear are crippling souls, as battles often do
A bugler and a flag bearer would signal rendezvous
“Rally!” they would cry aloud. “Regroup! Refresh, anew!”

So like the battle-worn soldiers, who clashed in days of yore
The troops of FBC come back, exhausted, weary, sore
Rally round the Lord, over ‘neath the Georgia sky
Time to Rally FBC, up on eagle wings to fly

To all FBC fighters, who're still God’s soldiers true
Rally now to run His race, you're still His fighting crew
And the cost to Rally’s tiny, little more than a small pittance
So register today, and to FBC send your remittance.

Thursday, February 7, 2008

Youth Ranch is alive and well in Nicaragua!

Youth Ranch is alive and well in Nicaragua! Toney Jones and John Raulins have teamed up to launch the Nicaraquan Youth Ranch.
The mission field is ripe. They had 340 kids at the first meeting in December. Check out the link below for pictures and more info and how you can get involved.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

Florida Bible College Alumni Association signs contract with the Marietta Conference Center and Resorts to host the FBCAA Reunion in August of 2008.

Florida Bible College Alumni Association are pleased to announce that the Florida Bible College Alumni Association has secured a meeting place for the FBCAA reunion scheduled over the Labor Day weekend, August 29-September 1st, 2008 in the Atlanta area.

FBCAA has signed a contract with the Marietta Conference Center & Resorts in Marietta Georgia, just outside of Atlanta to host this event. You can visit the resort’s website at You can begin to make your room reservations now by contacting the resort. Be sure to let them know you are with the Florida Bible College Alumni Association so you can receive the special room rates.

All Florida Bible College Alumni that are interested in attending should register at the FBCAA website,

At this time the registration fee is $35 (which does not cover lodging or meals) if received by February 1st and $45 if received after March 1st. The FBCAA encourages you to register soon. If you know of any Florida Bible College alumni please pass this information on to them so they too can attend. We currently only have contact information for about 10% of the FBC alumni and would like to reach as many alumni as we can.